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PlayBooks, Guidelines and Whitepapers

For the person who wants to go to the next level in understanding, risk management and planning for intelligent automation solutions.


Industry insights from analysts and partners on the path to success through data automation

IDC Technology Spotlight - Put It Forward

Get the Experts Opinion

Getting the most value out of your data is now more crucial than ever. Now organizations should be able to connect insights with applications to more quickly realize value from responding correctly to predictions and improving efficiencies.

Orchestration - Beyond Simple Integration

What You Need to Know
What else can you do with orchestration that you can't do with simple integration? Learn about the criticality of process design as part of the functioning whole and most importantly - how to be successful at it.

The Truth About Native Integration

Can You Afford It?

Learn about the limitations and breakpoints of code-based integration and discover the alternative configuration-based approach for maximizing control of your data.

Digital Transformation - Case Study

Digital transformation case study of business and IT challenged with overcoming the modern customer driven expectations while the reality of legacy technology.

Playbooks and Guidelines

Playbook for Revenue Operations and IT

Revenue, Operations and IT Intelligent Automation Playbook

End to end revenue automation playbook

Optimizing revenue at every point is a critical path strategy for every organization.  This playbook walks you through how revenue, operations and IT can unlock value across the enterprise with the same platform.

Put It Forward Integration Guideline

Integration Guidebook

Critical Path Guideline

What is the breadth of information you should know before starting an Integration project? If you are not sure about all the questions to ask then check out our comprehensive guidebook on successful data integration.  Discover the best practices for successful integration projects.

Best Practices of Integration

What to Know Before You Begin

Before you start your integration project and decide on an integration tool - take a look at the success factors needed. In this eBook you will learn the questions to ask and the specific features needed for a fast and effective integration solution.

Next Steps to Integration

How to Begin

Many people know they need to start integrating their data but not quite sure where and how to start. Download this eBook and gain insight into the three critical requirements of that plan and the things that will make your project run more effeciently.

Stages of Integration Maturity

Where are You?

You may not know about the Integration Maturity Model but probably very familiar with the challenges of data integration - or rather - the lack of. In this this eBook you will learn the tools for optimizing your data for better collaboration, analytics and governance across the enterprise.